
How Botox Works

If you are going to have Botox injections to get rid of your wrinkles it is a good idea to understand how they work – and how your facial muscles work. Botox is mainly used to treat wrinkles in the face, but it may not be suitable for all kinds of wrinkles.

How wrinkles form

Wrinkles form due to the action of muscles moving the skin, but those wrinkles form perpendicular to the muscles that causes them. For instance, those mainly perpendicular lines between your eyebrows are cause by a horizontal muscle contracting, while the horizontal wrinkles above your eyebrows and across your forehead are caused by the contraction of a vertical muscle.

How Botox prevents them forming

When Botox is injected into the muscle it blocks the nerve impulse to tissues and thus prevents it from contracting or moving and this is what removes the wrinkles. If muscles cannot move, then they can’t push the skin into a fold or wrinkle. The muscle may still be able to move a little bit, especially as the Botox is absorbed into the body and loses its effectiveness.

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4 Ways to Take Care of Your Health on Holidays

A healthy person always enjoys their life more than a sick one, no matter whether they are on holiday or working. But when you go on holiday you feel like the universe owes you a good time and it is totally spoiled if you fall sick. Advice from Easy Bali Villas says that you have wasted both time and money if you can’t enjoy your holiday, so here are 4 ways to take care of your health while on holidays;

  • Mosquitoes are rife in Bali as the constant rain causes many puddles that easily breed mosquitoes. These are the kind that carry malaria, so make sure you get vaccinated before you leave for Bali. Sleep with a mosquito net over the bed if you leave the windows open. Take insect repellent with you and use it often, especially when out in the countryside or when walking along the street at night. Mosquitoes can be anywhere and everywhere.
  • Take out travel insurance because getting sick in Bali is no laughing matter. You may need to be flown home to a top hospital for treatment, depending on whether you are sick or injured and how badly. This can cost a great deal and cause much stress if you are ill-prepared. Hospitals in Bali are not the same as in Australia and you may need quality care to even survive. With insurance you can get it.

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Take Child to Dentist

Why You Should Take Your Child to the Dentist

It’s a good idea to take your child to the dental clinic at a young age so they get used to sitting in the chair and having someone look in their mouth. It is best not to wait until there are decays to be fixed, but go as an introduction to the dentist rather than for any actual treatment. However, each child is different, so if yours is a shy child who doesn’t like strangers, wait until they are a bit older before taking them.

While it may seem unnecessary to take a child for no dental treatment, what you are doing is showing your child that there is nothing to fear, while encouraging them to understand how important it is to keep their teeth healthy by brushing and flossing correctly and regularly.

In addition, if they allow the dentist to look in their mouth, he can often catch a problem and rectify it before it gets any worse.  He can usually see at a glance if the teeth are crooked or overcrowded, the shape of the mouth and what is likely to happen as the child gets older. This is all good for you to know in advance so you can be prepared to have it fixed in due course.

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Guide to IPL Skin Rejuvenation

If you want to rejuvenate your skin, IPL – Intense Pulsed Light – may be the way to go. While it is often used to treat specific skin problems such as scar tissue, pigmentation or rosacea, the end result always improves the skin, making it look more youthful and brighter. This is because the outer layer of dead skin cells is removed and more collagen is produced, both of which improve the appearance of the skin.

So even though you may not have those problems, you can still have the treatment just to make your skin look younger. It is one option that lasts a long time, although you may need to have more than one treatment. If your budget or time is limited, always be sure to consult your doctor about cost and number of treatments.

Is IPL right for you?

However, not everyone is suited to this kind of skin treatment. Unfortunately, it does not work so well on darker skin tones such as sallow skin. It is more effective on pale and white skin tones. It is best to be guided by a trained and experienced doctor as there are many other options for skin rejuvenation that could suit you better.

IPL skin rejuvenation is not only done on the face or backs of the hands – areas of skin that are  visible. It can be done on the abdomen to remove ugly stretch marks so you will be able to wear a bikini without blushing. It can be done on the back to remove pigmentation or scar tissue and it can be done on the thighs or legs, if necessary. It is safe for all areas of the body.

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Natural Beauty Routines

Why You Should Try Natural Beauty Routines

What can you do if you have a problem with your skin and all the chemicals in the world don’t seem to make any difference? It may be time to throw away the chemicals and go natural. After all, chemicals are actually toxic, even though they are considered safe because they are present in such small amounts. However, over time this amount will increase and cause goodness knows what kind of damage to your skin.

The problem with many skin products is that what they contain is very often irritating to the skin, if that’s even the worst it does. Soothing creams meant to make the skin soft and prevent it from drying out often contain a drying ingredient. The more you use the cream the worse your skin gets, after that initial ‘feel good’ few hours. So back you go to the same old cream and slather it on even more. The only one to benefit is the company that makes it, this is why it is so important to use trusted brands such as The Beauty Gallery.

The best thing you can do for your skin is to use natural products that contain no chemicals. You may have to pay more and even look harder to find them, but it will be worth it in the long run. You may even be able to make your own. There are plenty of DIY recipes for skin care products on the Internet.

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Things you Should Know about Breast Implants

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular forms of cosmetic surgery. While many of these women find a great deal of satisfaction in their new size and shape, it should be remembered that any kind of surgery carries a modicum of risk with it. And not everyone is happy with their cosmetic surgery for one reason or another. Here are some of the things you should be aware of before undergoing breast implants.

  • Implants don’t always last forever. Some develop leaks and need to be replaced. Or scar tissue can develop, making the size and shape of the implant different from what you expected. 25% of women who have this surgery need to have more surgery done within 10 years.
  • The shape and size of your new breasts could change if you lose weight or fall pregnant. Another reason why more surgery may be necessary.
  • Depending on where the cut is made for the insertions, you could lose the ability to breastfeed your babies.
  • It is also possible that your nipples could become numb, although they will still respond to stimulation or cold. You just won’t feel it.
  • Your breast tissue will not feel the same as your breasts did before surgery, although silicone implants do give a similar feel. If you had only small amount of breast tissue beforehand, the implants will be more noticeable. However implants placed behind the muscles are harder to detect – but more painful at first.

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4 Ways to Enjoy Family Holidays

Family holidays are sometimes an exercise in patience for the parents, but especially the mother because she seems to be the one that the little children turn to for comfort or anything else that they want. Here are some tips to help make that family holiday in Bali more successful, so that everyone can enjoy themselves.


If you want to enjoy a family holiday in Bali, it is essential that each parent has some free time and to get this you either have to split up and go alone while the other one babysits, or hire a babysitter. According to Luxury Villas Bali if you have the kind of really nice accommodation that offers affordable babysitters, it will make things easier. But it is also essential to choose accommodation that is not restrictive like a hotel room is. You don’t want to have to creep around the room while the littlies have their afternoon nap or go to bed early. Villas are much easier on family life, allowing the little ones to rest peacefully in their own bedroom while the parents enjoy more freedom in the living rooms and just outside near the pool, where they can still hear the children if they are disturbed.

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The Difference Between Red and White Wine

While most people are familiar with wine, they may not be so familiar with how it is made. In fact, it is a fairly simple process of fermenting grapes that produces wine, but the difference between red and white wine is due to the presence of the skins during the fermentation process of red wine. It is the skins of red or black grapes that give red wine its colour.

When the whole grapes are crushed the skin tends to rise to the surface.  They are pushed back down several times a day during the fermentation process so that they remain in contact with the liquid.

The sugar content

Grapes must be picked when ripe so that the sugar content is stable. Traditionally, grapes were picked by hand; these days many larger vineyards have their grapes picked by machine. In warmer climates they are often picked during the night. They then have to go through a process to remove the stems and any leaves or sticks. This too, is done by a machine that also lightly crushes the grapes.

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Physical Fitness For Students

There have been many research papers written on the topics of health – and other subjects too, of course. These are often written by university students as part of their studies and may contain fresh or groundbreaking news about medicines or new ways to treat certain diseases. However, when you are spending your whole time writing and studying you won’t be physically fit, so it’s wise not to suddenly undertake any exercise such as lifting heavy furniture.

If you need to move into a new flat as many students do, let the pro removalists like Brilliance Removalists Perth do all the hard work of loading the truck, otherwise you could easily strain muscles or put your back out and end up suffering pain for weeks.

Most students do a great deal of studying, often to the detriment of their health. Spending all their time poring over their lessons and assignments in order to get good grades means they don’t have enough time to play a sport, swim or get their body fit. They are often too tired to even think about jogging or running for exercise.

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7 Things to do Before Botox Treatment

Botox injections are a medical procedure and should always be carried out by a trained and experienced cosmetic surgeon. Before you have the Botox treatment there are several things you need to do to ensure the best results and reduce the chance of any negative side affects such as prevent bruising. Here is a checklist of 7 tips to help you out: –

  • Choosing the right doctor can make a world of difference to your Botox results. The doctor should be board certified, trained and experienced in facial anatomy and Botox treatment. He or she will then understand what each facial muscle does and where the best place is for the injections for the wrinkles or lines you want to have removed. Never allow just anyone to do the injections.
  • Tell your doctor all about your health and medical history. He needs to know if you are pregnant, what conditions, if any, you have and what medication or supplements you are taking.
  • Go off blood thinning medication and supplements before the treatment so that there will be less bruising. Vitamin E, fish oil, Ginseng and Gingko Bilboa are all supplements that thin blood. Aspirin is also a blood thinner as other prescription medications may also be.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol for a few days before the injections.

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10 Ways to Stay Safe on Holidays

When people go for a holiday the last thing on their mind is running into danger. However, when you are far from home in a strange environment or in a culture like Bali that is not familiar it is easy to run into danger or trouble without even recognising it.  And even if you do, it is not always easy to know the best thing to do to minimise the danger and so the results may be worse than they need be. Here are 10 ways to stay safe in Bali.

  1. Let someone know when you are going and when you are due back. Let them know what your itinerary is and if you change it, work out some way to let them know. Contact them often while you are away so they know you are safe.
  1. Make copies of all your important papers such as your passport, visa, travel tickets and so on. Then if you lose them you will be able to prove they exist.

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Why Liposuction is Better than Laser Treatments for Fat Reduction

Sometimes, the term fat reduction is used interchangeably with weight loss. When it comes to liposuction this is cannot be done. Liposuction may cause weight loss and usually does, because the fatty deposits are sucked out of your body. However, it is actually done to improve the shape of the body by removing lumpy parts caused by fat, not for weight loss alone.

However, many people do delight in the fact that liposuction removes their love handles and other lumps and bumps caused by those fatty deposits that are so difficult to get rid of by diet and exercising. In fact, liposuction works much better than laser treatments for this type of fat reduction. Why?

It addresses the problem directly

Liposuction works by removing the fat directly without damaging the surface of the skin apart from where the cut is made. This leaves small scars, often only 3mm long, which heal quickly and fade away to nothing in most cases. While liposuction is considered to be invasive surgery due to the fact that it requires incisions, it can be a better choice than laser treatment because it is a more direct way of fat removal and more suitable to treatment of large areas.

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Beauty Tips

10 Top Beauty Tips

There are many things in this world that conspire to ruin our looks, from pollution in the air to the stress we deal with on a daily basis. Most women are interested in tips to make their skin glow and other aspects of the face and body look better than they would if left neglected. Here are 10 top beauty tips that will help you make the most of what Mother Nature gave you.

  • Stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of water is one of the best ways to keep your complexion looking smooth. According to experts, the body is 70% water so getting plenty of this simple substance is vital, yet one of the easiest things to do.
  • Get plenty of sleep. If you don’t want bags under your eyes, you must have at least 8 hours of quality sleep per night. So make the bedroom dark and quiet and use bedding made from natural fibres so you don’t perspire all night.
  • Cut back on stress. Stress makes you frown and in no time those wrinkles between your eyebrows and on your forehead will become deep and obvious, making you look older than you are. If you can’t remove stress, take up meditation or yoga, or learn other ways to deal with it.
  • Use organic skin care and beauty products that don’t have chemicals such as Parabens in them. These chemicals are no good for your body or your skin. Many are carcinogens – linked to cancer. Other harsh chemicals to avoid are benzophenone, another carcinogen, butylated compounds (BHA) which are banned in Europe, Formaldehyde, Triclosan which is linked to antibiotic resistance and hormone disruption. There are too many others to mention here.

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How to Take a Break from the Humidity in Tropics

According to holiday experts Easy Villas, since it has a tropical climate, hot, wet weather can be expected in Bali. Often, the humidity is at 80-90%, which makes it a bit sticky for some people. Luckily, there are ways to take a break from the humidity in Bali, so you can enjoy your holiday more. Here are some of them.

  • Book your holiday for the winter months. Bali doesn’t have a winter as such, but during our winter, their season is not as hot and so not as humid.
  • Rest under the fan in one of the beautiful villas during the hottest part of the day, or spend an hour or two where there is air-conditioning.
  • Visit the highlands. Even if you just go for a day tour during your holiday it will give you a break from that sticky heat. Staying overnight will enable you to enjoy a good night’s sleep as the temperature goes down considerably then.
  • Avoid Christmas holidays in Bali. Not only is it lots more expensive, it’s hotter and more humid. The ideal months are May June and September, with April and October still being okay weatherwise. In these months the weather is kinder and so are the prices. July is school holiday time and very expensive.

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5 Benefits of Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic surgery is not about being vain; it is about making the most of your looks. Nature gives us all good points and bad points so making the most of the former and the lessening the impact of the latter will ensure we look our best. There are many benefits of having cosmetic surgery to overcome what is perceived as a bad point. Here are some of them.

  • More confidence. If you worry excessively about how you look, it usually means you lack confidence. You feel bad about yourself and think that others may look down on you because of how you look. Sadly, this could be true. These days people are more than ever conscious of their body image and strive for perfection, however unreal that may be.

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6 Great Beaches For Holidays

There is no doubt that the beaches are some of the best attractions of Bali, especially for Australians who are known to be beach lovers. If you are going on a holiday to Bali, it is only natural to want to check out the beaches, no matter if you are a teen keen to go surfing or parents of a younger generation that loves to play on the beach and paddle in calmer waters.

Then there are all the other fun, water-related activities that you can do in and around the water and the beaches. So if sparkling water and long stretches of white sand are on your holiday agenda, here is a list of 6 beaches tourists love, but there are many more.

    • Nusa Dua beach is surrounded by luxury hotels as well as palm trees and wonderful gardens. It is safe as a beach can be for toddlers, with calm water and no currents likely to drag them out. The water is crystal clear for those who love to snorkel and if you are into surfing you can catch bigger waves at either end of this beach.
    • We hear a lot about Kuta beach because it is a very popular destination, especially for surfers. It’s not so good for swimming as the waves are too big, but there are plenty of beach parties and clubs that offer entertainment at night. Find it a bit further along the city line than Nusa Dua.

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Fats and Trans Fats, and What Next

In November of 2006, the New York City Department of Health issued a citywide ban on the use of trans fats in restaurants. Another directive has been to post calorie counts on menus as well, but we’re not dealing with this subject today. It’s the fats issue that has me preoccupied.

First, let’s get our facts straight. Trans fats cannot be seen, nor bought at the market. They are technically known as trans fatty acids, and are part of some other fat or oil that can in fact be bought.

Fats are made of chains containing mostly carbon and hydrogen (there may be as many as 24 carbons in a chain). Each carbon has four bonds, and each hydrogen has one, so a single carbon atom can hook up with four hydrogen atoms. In a saturated fat chain, each carbon atom hooks up with two hydrogens and one other carbon (except the first and the last ones); in other words, saturated fats have only single bonds between carbons.

A mono-unsaturated fat has one double bond between two carbons only, and therefore is missing two hydrogen atoms.

Polyunsaturated fats have two or more double bonds between three or more carbons, and they are missing even more hydrogen atoms, which makes them liquid at room temperature.

Hydrogenation or partial hydrogenation is an industrial process that forces hydrogen back onto the carbon chain, thereby artificially saturating it again. It is that process that causes the appearance of the trans fats.

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Is Breast Augmentation Right for You?

Many women who are dissatisfied with the size or shape of their breasts have breast augmentation surgery. Basically, silicone or saline implants are inserted into the breast after the cosmetic surgeon makes an incision in the breast. There are three possible places for this incision; under the breast, around the areola – the pink part – or under the arm.

While the surgeon must assess your particular body shape before deciding, most women have the incision under the fold of the breast where the scar cannot be seen. In any case, scarring is not a matter to worry about. The scars are not very noticeable and as they heal they become even less so.

Do it for yourself, not someone else

Before you decide on this kind of cosmetic surgery, you need to ask yourself why you want it and what you expect to gain from it. It’s important to only have it if you make the decision for yourself. Don’t be pushed into by someone else who is not satisfied with your body shape. It is your body and the only person who should want to change it is you.

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Energy – What Is It?

Recently I was involved in a conversation between a physicist, Bill, and a former physician, Steve, who now does what he calls “energy healing.” I had a vague idea of what he meant by that, but Bill took umbrage. “The word ‘energy’ has a very precise meaning in physics and the physical sciences,” he said. “I see it bandied about in the most outlandish ways, to make it mean something it doesn’t. That really bothers me.” We went on a bit about this subject, and finally all agreed that there had to be another way to name what in the alternative healing field is commonly referred to as “energy,” as in energy healing, the energy in foods, good or bad energy, and so on and so forth.

To show you how extensive this argument is, let me quote from the online encyclopedia Wikipedia (under “energy”):

Non-Scientific Energy

The term “energy” is widely used in a spiritual or non-scientific way that cannot be quantified.

To mathematicians, engineers and scientists, the word “energy” has a strict and quantifiable definition. Any usage of the word that violates this definition must be termed pseudoscience. They argue that the mixing of the non-scientific and scientific definitions of the word creates confusion.

Examples of pseudoscience are mysticism and parapsychology in fields such as acupuncture and reiki. Paranormal researchers will often refer to “psychokinetic energy” when attempting to explain paranormal phenomena or the concept of a spirit or soul.

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12 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Holiday

Bali is a popular destination for Australian tourists because it offers an exotic location with lots of beaches not too far away from our own shores, which means you don’t waste precious holiday time travelling.  It also offers much in the way of different cultures and food, bargain shopping opportunities, different and exciting things to do and see and lots of fun for everyone.

But just like a holiday to any other part of planet Earth, a holiday to Bali should be well-planned and organised to get the most out of it. It would be a shame to miss out on something you really wanted to see or do because you forgot to include it, or ran out of time to get there. So here are 12 ways to get the most out of your Bali holiday.

  • Do your research early on and decide what you want to see the most. You won’t be able to fit it all in, so choose carefully. Write it down so you don’t forget.
  • If you are going with your partner, take it in turns to choose what to visit; that way you will each have a fair share of things you like.
  • Keep away from the local alcohol as it is much stronger than any other kind. If you intend to get drunk, designate one of your group to be the responsible one and look out for the others. Two would be better.

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